The Benefits of Screw Cap (Stelvin Closure) Wines

Earlier this year, we transitioned our Luna Nuda Rosé's closure from a classic cork to a screw cap (stelvin closure) and we're thrilled about it! Here's why....

1. CONVENIENCE. No complicated tools or corkscrews necessary! Zero stress and smooth sailing to open when treating yourself to a glass (or two) on a Tuesday evening.

Luna Nuda Rosé Screw Cap

2. FRESH FOR LONGER. Stelvin closures or screw caps do a great job of keeping oxygen out of the bottle, so you can have a glass of Luna Nuda Rosé just as fresh as when you opened the bottle yesterday.


3. ZERO CHANCE OF TCA. TCA is 'cork taint.' This is when tiny natural fungi (occasionally found in corks) come in contact with chlorides used at the winery for sanitation. This is basically when a wine smells like grandma's basement - not good! (Luna Nuda Rosé is a dry Rosé wine with floral aromas). 


Luna Nuda
